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Importance of Knowing Your Blood Group | 20th July, 2017

 Your blood type is inherited from your parents and is determined by two factors: the ABO grouping system and the Rh factor. Starting with the ABO system, there are four blood groups: A, B, AB and O. The type of blood you have is based on the presence or absence of antigens and antibodies in your blood. Antigens are proteins that stick to the surface of your red blood cells, while antibodies are produced in the plasma or liquid portion of the blood. The type of antigen you have tells us what your blood type is. And if you do not have any antigens, your blood type is O. For each antigen on the blood cell, the opposite antibody is produced in the plasma. For example, type B blood has anti-type A antibodies. Here of the importance;

 It Gives Deeper Insight Into Your Genetic Blueprint
"Knowing your blood type is an important tool for understanding how your body reacts to food, your susceptibility to disease, your natural reaction to stress, how you age, and so much more," says Dr. D Adamo. "A single drop of blood contains a biochemical makeup as unique to you as your fingerprint...your blood type acts as a navigation tool and helps you sort through the reams of research and conflicting studies about what is good and bad for you to develop an individualized, personalized health plan based on your unique, genetic makeup." For instance, he says, "Research has found that individuals of certain blood types may be at a higher risk for certain diseases. People with blood type O have a lower risk of heart disease, but a higher risk for developing stomach ulcers. 
It Can Help Determine Your Healthiest Diet
"Your blood type antigens are not just in your blood," says Dr. D Adamo. "They are everywhere in your body, particularly in the surfaces that interact with the environment. These include your digestive tract, from your mouth to your large intestine, as well as your nasal passages and lungs. Because these blood type antigens are everywhere, they influence how your body reacts to the food you eat through several factors. Additionally, the foods we eat have lectins, which are blood type-specific proteins in certain foods that bind to your blood type antigen and cause your blood to agglutinate (stick together), resulting in feelings of fatigue, headaches, digestive issues, skin issues, and a host of other health issues." 
Heart disease: Type AB, B and A all increase risk
When Harvard scientists analyzed more than two decades of data on more than 77,000 people, they found  that those with AB blood had a 23 percent increased risk for heart disease compared to people with type O blood. Those with type B blood had an 11 percent higher risk and those with type A blood had 5 percent greater risk. Researchers are not sure why, according to HealthDay, but posit that type A blood is associated with LDL cholesterol and that type O blood, which is associated with reduced risk, may contain a chemical that boosts blood flow and prevents clots.
Stomach cancer: Type A increases risk
People with blood group A had a 20 percent greater chance of developing gastric cancer compared to people with blood groups O and B, according to  a 2010 Swedish study from the Karolinska Institute. These people may be more vulnerable to other stomach cancer risk factors such as cigarette and alcohol use, according to DailyMail.co.uk.
Fertility: Type O reduces it.
Women with this blood type were twice as likely to have blood levels of the hormone FSH high enough to indicate low ovarian reserve, a measure of fertility, according to an Albert Einstein College of Medicine study. Researchers could not say for sure why, though. Given that type O blood is the most prevalent across all U.S. ethnicities, it does not pay to worry too much about it. Age is a far more important risk factor for fertility problems, the study author told new scientist
Karen Arthur/ghanahospitals.org


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