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Useful Information about the MRI | 24th July, 2017

What is an MRI?

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans use a strong magnetic field and radio waves to make pictures of your inside body. The results of the MRI scan will help your doctor to diagnose your problem. During your scan the scanner will make a loud banging noise, but we will give you ear protection. For some types of scan we can play you music. And there are no risk and side effects of the MRI.
What happens in the MRI unit?
When you arrive at the MRI you will be greeted by a highly trained radiographer who will go through the safety sheet with you. You will be asked to remove all metal objects from your person. You are not allowed to enter the machine with any metallic material whatsoever hence you are given a hospital gown to wear.
When you have your scan you will lie flat on the table and go into the scanner, which is open at both ends. You need to lie still so that there would not be any  blurry pictures. The radiographer will position you and then you will be moved into the tube.
The radiographer who performs the scan can see and hear you at all times via a connecting window and an intercom. The radiographer will talk to you periodically during the scan. You will also be given a buzzer to contact the radiographer at any time during the scan. Scans take anything from 10 minutes to an hour but the radiographer can tell you approximately how long you scan will take.
Sometimes we have to give you a small injection of dye as part of your scan. This is given by either the radiologist or anesthetist. We will let you know if this is necessary during your examination. You will be able to leave after your scan has finished.
When will I know the results of my scan?
Your images will be ready immediately after your procedure. If you require the images to be put onto a CD, please tell the radiographer.
Your results will also be available on the same day. The waiting time is normally one hour but due to emergencies and patient need, the waiting time can be up 3 hours. You may wait for the results, or leave and return at your convenience, or they can email the results. Please let them know which you would prefer after you have your procedure.
Preparing for the scan
Please notify the team if you are claustrophobic
You may eat or drink before the procedure.
You must not wear clothing that contains metals when you are in the MRI. Please bring suitable clothes to change into, or they can give you a gown to wear.
You should not wear
A bra                               
A belt
Hair clips
Any make up
Mawuena Workartey/ Ghanahospitals.org





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