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Preventive steps to proper EAR care | 16th June, 2017

Itchy ears can be annoying, as they are not as easy to scratch. Although you may want to scratch your ears to obtain some relief, this is not advised actually, as it can lead to further complications like infection, redness, and swelling. The best thing you can do is find out what is causing the itchiness and treat it properly to avoid further damage.
What causes itchy ears?
Insufficient wax: Although too much wax can leave your ears feeling clogged, insufficient wax can cause itchiness. You may also notice skin flakes coming from the ears and dryness.
Ear canal dermatitis: This is the inflammation of the skin in and around the ears, often brought on by an allergic reaction. Beauty products or reactions to certain metals can trigger ear canal dermatitis.
Otitis media (ear infection): Along with itchiness of the ears, an ear infection can also cause pain. Ear infections are common among children and swimmers. Other common symptoms are swelling and redness.
Hearing aid use: If you wear a hearing aid, trapped water in the ears can lead to itchiness. Some people may be allergic to the hearing aid itself.
Psoriasis: Although this skin condition is often found on visible areas of the body, it may also occur behind or inside the ear, leading to itchiness.
Allergies: Asthma and other allergy issues can lead to itchiness in the ears. It can be an allergic reaction to a product like shampoo that has gone into the ears or even an allergy to pollen. Controlling your allergies can help relieve itchy ears.
Excessive moisture: Being constantly exposed to excessive moisture can increase the risk of ear infections, which can cause itchy ears.
Other causes of ear itchiness include stress, medication side effects, and extreme heat or cold. In rare cases, severe itchiness could signal a life-threatening condition, such as anaphylactic shock.
Ear itching and accompanying symptoms
Natural home remedies for tinnitus, aside from itchiness in the ears, you may experience crusting or flaky skin, drainage or discharge from the ear, rash, redness, warmth, swelling, and tenderness or pain.
Itchy ears may be accompanied by other symptoms like coughing, fever or chills, headache, joint stiffness, rash, runny nose, sneezing, sore throat, or sweating.
The following accompanying symptoms signal a more serious condition that requires immediate attention.
  • Changes in consciousness or alertness
  • Respiratory or breathing problems
  • Sudden swelling of the face, lips, or tongue
  • Tightness or constriction of the throat
Treatment and prevention of ear itching
Here are some treatment options you can try in order to relieve itchy ears.
  • Use warm oil in the ear
  • Mix rubbing alcohol and water and put drops of the mix in your ears
  • Remove excess wax
  • Avoid moisture
  • Use peroxide for wax removal
  • Avoid allergens
  • Take painkillers
  • Treat ear infections as per your doctors directions
  • Avoid swimming until the ear infection is completely treated
Preventative measures for itchy ears include:
  • Prevent excess liquid from entering the ears
  • Wear a swimming headband
  • Use olive oil regularly in the ears
  • Avoid poking your ears with cotton swabs
  • Be careful with hearing aids and ear plugs
  • Be aware of your allergies
You do not have to live with the annoyance of itchy ears as long you take preventative steps and exercise proper ear care.
Itchy Ear Treatment: Home Remedies

Warm Oil

One of the most well-known home remedies for itchy ear involves using drops of hot oil for relief.  The good news, from this point of view, is that there are numerous varieties of oil that you can choose from for treating your itchy ear. Just a few of your options are:
  • Olive Oil
  • Tea Tree oil
  • Olive Oil
  • Coconut Oil
  • Garlic Oil (Olive oil infused with garlic)
If you feel that your ear is itchy because it is clogged or maybe because an insect got to it, you can use some water to wash it out. In this situation, you can also optionally use alcohol to make sure that the area remains clean. 
Mix a bit of rubbing alcohol with water and use a syringe (either ear or bulb varieties will work just fine) to drop the solution into your ear. When you want to remove the solution, you can either let it drain out naturally by lying down on the side or by reusing the syringe you chose for dropping the water and alcohol in. We recommend that, if you have the possibility, you use rubbing alcohol so you know that you are thoroughly cleaning out your ear.

Hydrogen Peroxide
A great number of individuals who experienced an itchy ear claim that hydrogen peroxide is a fine solution for getting relief. A user on a health forum explains that “it melts away excess ear wax, and cleans the ear, without removing the thin protective layer of ear wax”. 
Applying hydrogen peroxide is the same as using oil; all you have to do is put a few drops in the affected ear, let the solution work for a few seconds (until the bubbling noise stops) and then allow it to drain outside. This is a fantastic alternative for those who work in a wet environment, such as professional swimmers, lifeguards or swim instructors, as they can use hydrogen peroxide once week or a month for relief, depending on how severe their symptoms are.
White vinegar (make sure it is distilled) is also a reliable solution for getting rid of an itchy ear. When combined with rubbing alcohol, the solution offers relief for symptoms and also cleans the area very well. 
You have to mix equal parts of distilled white vinegar and rubbing alcohol and use a syringe or dropper to apply the mixture to your itchy ear. An alternative for distilled white vinegar is apple cider vinegar; when it is diluted, the antiseptic properties of apple cider vinegar will promote your inner and outer ear health. This home remedy reportedly works wonderfully for preventing yeast infections or other  types of fungus from causing an itchy ear.
Your Health is our concern!
Mawuena Workartey/ ghanahospitals.org

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