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Signs That Show Your Heart Is Not Working Properly | 18th October, 2022

 Heart failure happens when the heart cannot pump blood as well as it should or when the heart muscle is damaged. Most of the time, coronary artery disease or a heart attack is to blame. High blood pressure that lasts for a long time and problems with the heart valves could all be factors. No matter what the cause is, a heart that is not healthy cannot pump the oxygen-rich blood that the body needs.

The Mayo Clinic says that the following warning signs and symptoms show that your heart is not always working right.

1. Dyspnea
One of the most common symptoms is shortness of breath, which can happen during any physical activity, rest, or even sleep. It is not the best way because it comes up out of nowhere and makes it hard to lie flat. So, people may need support for their upper bodies when they sleep. When they wake up, they may feel anxious, tired, and restless.
2. A cough that will not go away
When a person wheezes or coughs up bloody mucus that is white or pink, this is another sign of severe coronary heart failure. This symptom happens when fluid builds up in the lungs.
3. Being overly tired
Even if a person does not do much physical activity, fatigue and weariness can make it hard to do daily tasks well and make them feel tired.
This symptom shows up when the coronary heart cannot pump enough blood to meet the body needs. When this happens, the body moves blood from organs like the muscles in the limbs to organs like the heart and brain that are more important.
4. Edema
Edema is a condition in which extra fluid builds up in the tissues of the body, causing the feet, ankles, legs, and abdomen to swell. Also, it can make you gain weight, which makes you more likely to have heart failure.
When the heart pumping rate slows, blood goes back to the heart. This builds up fluid in the tissues. Because of this, the kidneys donnot work right and get rid of less salt and water than they should, which causes tissue fluid retention.
5. Angina
If you feel squeezing, tightness, tension, or a heavy feeling in your chest, your heart is not always working right. Some people say that having heart pain feels like an elephant is sitting on their chest.
6. Leg cramps
If there is not enough blood flow in the arteries of the legs, that should mean there is not enough blood flow in the arteries of the heart. If you get leg cramps, cannot walk far, or feel pain in your legs even when you are not moving, you should get checked for peripheral artery disease (PAD).
Yaw Dallar

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